Sir Gerald dedicated his life to serving those who he believed would benefit most from a Labour government andLabour values in action. He believed that policy and principle without power were simply not enough to deliver the better life that he fought for on behalf of his constituents for almost 50 years.
Formal complaints about mental health services in England jumped from 9,180 in 2010/11 to 14,103 in 2015/16, according to an analysis of NHS Digital data conducted by Labour’s Luciana Berger. This represents a 54% rise in complaints in just five years. Ms Berger, who is the president of Labour’s Campaign for Mental Health, […]
Jeremy Corbyn has called for more money to be spent on hospitals, social care and mental health, claiming the Government is "under-funding" key services.
Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn talks to union staff during a visit to George Eliot Hospital in Nuneaton The Labour leader claimed there was a mental health “crisis” and it needed to be funded properly, while he said Government cuts to local authority budgets were having a knock-on effect on social care. Speaking […]
One in four of us have a mental health condition such as anxiety, depression, phobias, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) or personality disorders
BY: LUCIANA BERGER Depression: We have to remove to social stigma Mental illness is a fact of life, like cancer or heart disease. One in four of us have a mental health condition such as anxiety, depression, phobias, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) or personality disorders. Yet whilst we’re happy to talk about our physical health – our […]
Manchester User’s Network have long campaigned for the government creation of a dedicated minister for mental health . So last week we were tweeting Jeremy Corbyns to please create a minister for mental health as we desperately need one. Even if that’s just to sort out the terrible services, Service users are presently receiving in Manchester under a Manchester Labour Scrutiny Committee
Signed by the chancellor, George Osborne, and the leaders of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA), the latest twist in the Devo Manc agenda was the unique agreement that purported to grant residents “more control over the decisions that affect their lives”. Yet closer inspection suggests a more nuanced picture.
Mental health spending cuts forecast By Sophie Hutchinson Health correspondent From the section Health Mental health trusts in England are forecasting significant cuts to their funding over the next four years, figures seen by the BBC suggest. Data from three-quarters of trusts shows from 2014-15 to 2018-19 income is expected to fall by 8% in […]
Manchester Conservatives Deputy Chairman and local candidate for Didsbury West David Semple took part in Question Time Special organised by Manchester User’s Network. The panel, consisting of parliamentary and local candidates representing the whole political spectrum, was chaired by BBC health correspondent Elaine Dunkley.