So why, in one of the richest countries in the world, do we still have a problem with homelessness, and what can we do about it?
By: CONRAD BOWER Walking around the city streets of the UK, it is impossible to miss the growing levels of homelessness. Ever more homeless people appear, asking for change or sheltering in doorways: asleep, unconscious or worse? It’s hard for passers-by to tell, and few are willing to check. It is often the most vulnerable […]
His Ushakov medal marked 70 years since the war ended, after the British defence chiefs finally agreed to honour the thousands who risked their lives in freezing Arctic convoys. British bull dog PM: Winston Churchill once described them as having made ‘the worst journey in the world’.
By: Paul Reed. Last Sunday in Manchester a ceremony was held to mark the end of 71 years since the Second World War in Europe ended. Beginning at 1:30 pm, and organised by the Manchester and St Petersburg Friendship Society. Jim Charnock began the ceremonial by dedicating this year’s Manchester Celebrations of the end of […]
A charity has accused Manchester City Council of lying about homeless figures, saying that they don’t paint a ‘true reflection’ of the situation in the city.
The Manchester Angels, who help to keep people safe in the city at night, believe that the council’s yearly audits strongly under-estimate the amount of those living rough in the city.
The charity was set up by Wesley Hall last year following the death of Stockport teenager Adam Pickup in 2013.
By: Paul Reed Solicitor’s letter kindly reproduced by a Service User and a member of Manchester Users Network (MUN) involved in initial legal proceedings against Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust. Manchester Users Network members were represented by top London public law specialist Louise Whitfield {solicitor}. Louise Whitfield qualified in 1997; she joined Pierce Glynn in […]