VICTORY CELEBRATION Manchester Deserves Better

Now that there is to be yet another review of mental health services, we will need to continue the campaign to get the best mental health services which the people of Manchester deserve.
By: Caroline Bedale First Published: 15/07/2016 Just wanted to let you all know that we have won! At least for the time being, none of the 8 community based and specialist psychological services will be closed by Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust. The Manchester Users Network had helped a service user to take […]
Manchester, wake up to the mess you’re putting your people in. Mental health is a scandal in England. Sign our petition and start the commons debate to end the scandal that is Manchester mental health services.
Manchester Users Network, will not accept any cuts to Manchester mental health service (we have had far too many to date). Anyone familiar with Manchester mental health services will understand that year on year cuts levelled against our services have happened for far too long. Nurse Karen Reissmann blew the whistle on the scandal in […]
“This is going to mean huge losses of services all across the board – and North Manchester General will face extinction as a general hospital.
18 Jan 2016 – 01:21PM | By Emma Powys Maurice North Manchester General Hospital may face ‘extinction’ as the shocking scale of budget cuts proposed by the government’s Healthier Together programme becomes clear. NHS campaigners gathered in Manchester this weekend in a conference to protest against the cuts, claiming that the knock-on effects are likely to impact […]