Osborne’s psychiatrist brother struck off over ‘profoundly unacceptable affair’ with patient

The vulnerable mother-of-two attempted suicide after Adam Osborne broke off the relationship – and he threatened to 'make sure you pay' when she reported him

Osborne’s psychiatrist brother struck off over ‘profoundly unacceptable affair’ with patient

BY LAUREN BROWN ‘Saddened’: Dr Osborne said his behaviour had been irresponsible   The younger brother of Chancellor George Osborne has been struck off the medical register after a two-year sexual relationship with a vulnerable patient. Psychiatrist Adam Osborne, 39, threatened the mother-of-two when she reported him, telling her: “I will make sure you pay”. […]

Please sign our petition :Manchester Deserves Better

Manchester, wake up to the mess you’re putting your people in. Mental health is a scandal in England. Sign our petition and start the commons debate to end the scandal that is Manchester mental health services.

Please sign our petition :Manchester Deserves Better

Manchester Users Network, will not accept any cuts to Manchester mental health service (we have had far too many to date). Anyone familiar with Manchester mental health services will understand that year on year cuts levelled against our services have happened for far too long. Nurse Karen Reissmann blew the whistle on the scandal in […]

Luciana Berger on why mental health shouldn’t be a private battle and is a problem for us all

One in four of us have a mental health condition such as anxiety, depression, phobias, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) or personality disorders

Luciana Berger on why mental health shouldn’t be a private battle and is a problem for us all

BY: LUCIANA BERGER Depression: We have to remove to social stigma   Mental illness is a fact of life, like cancer or heart disease. One in four of us have a mental health condition such as anxiety, depression, phobias, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) or personality disorders. Yet whilst we’re happy to talk about our physical health – our […]

New non-executive director appointed to NWAS

Chairman for North West Ambulance Service, Wyn Dignan comments: “We’re delighted to welcome Mark to the Service and are confident that he will be a positive addition to the Trust Board.

New non-executive director appointed to NWAS

By Carl Fallowfield The NHS Trust Development Authority (NHS TDA) has confirmed the appointment of Mark Tattersall Non-Executive Director of North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust. Mark is a qualified accountant who worked as a senior executive from 1991 until the end of 2007 in a range of businesses which included the Co-operative and London […]

Manchester mental health inquiry

The town hall is holding a one-off hearing today to discuss the state of our mental health services, after it emerged the city's crisis-hit provider was being scrapped

Manchester mental health inquiry

By: BY JENNIFER WILLIAMS This afternoon councillors, NHS officials, patients and voluntary groups are gathering at Manchester town hall to discuss the state of our city’s mental health services. The one-off inquiry was ordered late last year , after it emerged Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust was on the brink of financial collapse – and planning […]

Live: Manchester mental health inquiry

The town hall is holding a one-off hearing today to discuss the state of our mental health services, after it emerged the city's crisis-hit provider was being scrapped

Live: Manchester mental health inquiry

This afternoon councillors, NHS officials, patients and voluntary groups are gathering at Manchester town hall to discuss the state of our city’s mental health services. The one-off inquiry was ordered late last year , after it emerged Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust was on the brink of financial collapse – and planning £1.5m […]

‘Sacrificed to feed the beast’: North Manchester hospital ‘faces extinction’ under Tories’ ‘staggering’ NHS cuts

“This is going to mean huge losses of services all across the board – and North Manchester General will face extinction as a general hospital.

‘Sacrificed to feed the beast’: North Manchester hospital ‘faces extinction’ under Tories’ ‘staggering’ NHS cuts

18 Jan 2016 – 01:21PM | By Emma Powys Maurice North Manchester General Hospital may face ‘extinction’ as the shocking scale of budget cuts proposed by the government’s Healthier Together programme becomes clear. NHS campaigners gathered in Manchester this weekend in a conference to protest against the cuts, claiming that the knock-on effects are likely to impact […]

Mental health has always been poor relation of the NHS

As the curtain falls on the trust, the problems will not go away. One in four of Manchester population has some sort of mental illness and suicide rate in middle age group is rising.

Mental health has always been poor relation of the NHS

                                                                                     Opinion By: Dr Kailash Chand Mental health services form a crucial part of the NHS, and yet they […]

Manchester’s mental health services are in crisis – the human cost of the cuts revealed

Special report By: Manchester Evening News Journalist Jennifer Williams: We went to find what it's really like living with mental health issues in Manchester and found services are at crisis point

Manchester’s mental health services are in crisis – the human cost of the cuts revealed

BY: JENNIFER WILLIAMS Mental health patient John Byron Nothing about John Byron says ‘sometimes I very nearly kill myself’. But every now and then when life becomes too much, he ends up ‘curled up on the floor screaming and shouting’ on the brink of harming himself. When this happens John, aged 49 and a chronic […]

Police hunt missing registered sex offender Richard Ayomanor who ‘could pose a danger to women’

UPDATE: Richard Ayomanor, who was missing from a secure unit in Manchester has been now been found - police have said

Police hunt missing registered sex offender Richard Ayomanor who ‘could pose a danger to women’

Ayomanor, 38, was last seen on Saturday at Tesco in Cheetham Hill Sunday 13 Th December, 2015 By John Scheerhout Greater Manchester Police are hunting Richard Ayomanor, a missing registered sex offender.   UPDATE: Richard Ayomanor, who was missing from a secure unit in Manchester has been now been found – police have said Police […]