The OxyContin Cartel: Billionaire Family 16th Richest in the U.S.

The Sackler family have profited handsomely from the highly addictive painkiller, according to Forbes.

The OxyContin Cartel: Billionaire Family 16th Richest in the U.S.

The Sackler family have profited handsomely from the highly addictive painkiller, according to Forbes.

Children in UK mental health hospitals ‘not improving’, parents say

Survey finds 54% of parents with children in mental health hospitals say they have not improved and 24% say they are worse

Children in UK mental health hospitals ‘not improving’, parents say

More than half of parents with children in mental health hospitals do not feel their condition has improved as a result of treatment, while nearly a quarter say it has actually deteriorated, according to a survey.

Racism Does THIS To Your Mental Health

Racism Does THIS To Your Mental Health

BY: ERIN DONNELLY PHOTOGRAPHED BY ROCKIE NOLAN     A new study from England’s University of Manchester has determined that repeat exposure to racial discrimination can have a negative effect on a person’s mental and physical health. The study, published in the American Journal of Public Health, found that racial minorities who had experienced multiple incidents […]

Mental health campaigner Becki Luscombe killed herself at psychiatric unit in Sparkhill

A mental health campaigner who convinced supermarkets to withdraw offensive Halloween ‘mental patient’ costumes from their stores killed herself at a psychiatric unit, an inquest has found.

Work by Rebecca Luscombe, known as Becki, went national in 2013 when she successfully started a Twitter campaign which resulted in the outfits being taken off supermarket shelves.

Newton Heath: Rememberance Day, Respecting is part of their makeup !

Newton Heath: Rememberance Day, Respecting is part of their makeup !
Young and old stood shoulder to shoulder in this poignant ceremony marking the 100 years since the outbreak of the First World War A bugler sounded the ‘Last Post’ which marked the beginning and the end of the two minutes’ silence.

Duncan Edwards Court: An elderly woman has died after a fire at sheltered housing

Duncan Edwards Court: An elderly woman has died after a fire at sheltered housing

Duncan Edwards Court: An elderly woman has died after a fire at sheltered housing!
The 88-year-old’s body was discovered after an automatic alarm was triggered when smoke started filling the building just before 10am.

Neighbours had complained of an acrid smell before the tragic discovery was made in a bedroom of the warden-controlled flats in Newton Heath.
Duncan Edward Court: An elderly woman has died after a fire at sheltered housing!

Officers said smoke had badly damaged the inside of the flat, but the fire had been extinguished by the time they arrived.