Shocking UK prison suicide numbers demand government action

Shocking UK prison suicide numbers demand government action

Bishop Richard Moth has called on government to redouble its efforts on prison reform following today’s report from the
Ministry of Justice stating that suicides in prisons across England and Wales reached their highest ever number last year.

Mental Health Services in Britain’s Women’s Prisons Are Still a Mess

Mental Health Services in Britain’s Women’s Prisons Are Still a Mess

  By Naomi Ishmael A dorm in Holloway prison. All photos are from inside Holloway prison *Names have been changed to protect the identities of prisoners Pink butterfly stickers were pasted all over light blue walls inside Katleen’s* cell. The 28-year-old of Romany Gypsy origin peered through the hatch of her door as she told […]

Tragedy of our forgotten heroes: Majority of veterans suffer from mental health issues while living in fear of debt, research reveals

Veterans are being left to suffer in silence as they return to civilian life Many are living in fear of debt as they struggle with mental health issues Half of veterans under 65 are not in work, major new research shows

Tragedy of our forgotten heroes: Majority of veterans suffer from mental health issues while living in fear of debt, research reveals

By Gavin Madeley and Ian Drury for the Daily Mail Suffering in silence: Many former soldiers under retirement age are living in fear of debt as they struggle to cope with depression and other long-term mental and physical health problems (file image) Some rely on food banks while others have ended up homeless, in prison […]

Justice secretary says he wants every prisoner who needs it to have access to the best possible mental health treatment

The justice secretary says he wants to “really get to grips with the challenge of mental health in prisons” soon after next year’s general election. “I want every prisoner who needs it to have access to the best possible treatment. I want mental health to be the priority for our system,” he said in a speech on Monday to the Centre for Crime and Social Justice in London.