Mental health trust axes 39 jobs despite fears for service ALICE MCKEEGAN. MANCHESTER Mental Health and Social Care Trust has announced plans to cut 39 posts, ‘ Including some frontline roles. As revealed In the MEN earlier this year, bosses were consulting on the proposals to axe the community positions and now the board has […]
Nurse makes heartfelt apology after Atos forced her to trick disabled people out of benefits SCOTS nurse Joyce Drummond reveals how thousands of genuinely ill people were set up for a fall before they had even been assessed by benefits firm Atos. A NURSE has revealed how her own life was ruined after under-fire benefits firm Atos […]
The Academic War on the Jews Published: Saturday, September 15, 2012 10:31 PM Israeli research papers are sent back unread, and boycotting Israeli academics is routine. Will they also boycott the products of israeli research that save lives? Anti-Semitism no longer shocks people. When legions of “Palestinian martyrs” started blowing themselves up in Jerusalem, […]
Mental health problems no longer a bar to becoming an MP Ban on jury service and directorships will also go as Commons hears moving personal accounts of mental illnesses Juliette Jowit, political correspondent, Thursday 14 June 2012 20.42 BST Laws barring people who have had severe mental health problems from jury service and from […]
The story below appeared in The Big Issue. Two years on the MunReporter invites it’s readers to read again this well reserch report by a well known and respected Northern journalist, Helen Clifton. With locked wards and despite all the promises made to patients about Mainway, it now seems those promises made to trusting service users […]
Psychiatrist calls for lithium to be added to water GORDON DEEGAN A consultant psychiatrist last night called on Government to add lithium salts to the public water supply in a bid to lower the suicide rate and depression among the general population. At a mental health forum on “Depression in Rural Ireland” in Ennistymon, […]
by MARY SCANLON The Parliament is now one week into the October recess which coincides with the school holidays and it’s been a busy period lately with the Spending Review announced by the Scottish Government and the remainder of the year is likely to focus on the budget and the implications it will have for […]
Manchester MP to press Health Minister after angry meeting opposing the closure of Health Unit Tony Lloyd MP for Central Manchester was joined by nurses, patients, and health service campaigners at a 40 strong meeting in Manchester last week hosted by two local health union branches. Proposals by the Manchester Mental Health & Social Care […]
Mental Health Services: Hospital Beds Below was given in Written answers in The House of Commons on Thursday 20th November 2008, the amount for Mental Health Trust’s belonging to the NHS to give dignity to its patients seems an amount of monies to be a sum which needs every MP and especially our Manchester MP’s […]
“MANCHESTER USERS’ NETWORK” Meeting for patients! {Who suffer from mental illness or use mental health services.} Wednesday 10thSeptember 2008, 1.30pm. Held in the Therapy Centre. (Next door the Users’ Office) Park House Hospital. Invited Graham Stringer MP. Former Leader of Manchester City Council. ALL PATIENTS WELCOME. “We need to support and help each other.” Tea […]